Michael Jordan is known to be terrified of the ocean (ever since he witnessed the death of his childhood friend). If not, youd probably say to make one using greek roots and what-not but I dont want to say a word and it not be scientifically correct. > Kylie Jenner Faced One Of Her Biggest Fears & We Legit Can't Stop Watching Her Squirm. Many phobias are a bit more complex, such as fear of germs, which often is OCD. There are all sorts of things that could be going on here. My daughter is absolutely, 100%,terrified of slides at playgrounds and parks. I checked to see if it was anywhere else and I found my wall looking like mold. It is frequently used in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but can also be effective in the treatment of a variety of other mental health conditions including phobias. Vegas. Stars like America's current sweetheart Jennifer Aniston as well as Tony Curtis (who supposedly turned to hypnosis to cure it), John Madden, Muhammad Ali, Cher and Johnny Cash have all admitted to the extreme fear of flying. Thank you. Congratulations, you're the proud owner of chromophobia, the fear of bright colors. Is there a phobia of fear of being murdered?? brushing off what they said until they bring it up again (which Im hoping with a burning passion they wont) or B). I cant tell you how to do this, since there are many dynamics and variances that can hold someone in this approach, so again find someone to help you work through this. Whats the fear of things getting too loud to fast? If so please let me know. Some time ago It was so bad that I used to have a panic attack watching the sun set due to the fear of the night. Part of this comes from unrealistic expectations, that you should be able Merinthophobia Fear of being bound or tied up. Verywell Mind articles are reviewed by board-certified physicians and mental healthcare professionals. Euphobia Fear of hearing good news. Verminophobia Fear of germs. Febriphobia or Fibriphobia or Fibriophobia Fear of fever. Today, my brother was bored and he started to scratch the wall with his nails, and I told him to stop, but he didnt, and kept going. That is not what most mothers want to hear in these situations, but you know you cannot run his life, you know you cannot change the mind of a son who is trying very hard to distance himself from you. Panthophobia Fear of suffering and disease. (Amathophobia) Hemophobia or Hemaphobia or Hematophobia Fear of blood. I have THANATOPHOBIA, the fear of ones own death, or the dying process. You are not trusting your bodies ability to do what it does best, which is keep you alive and all thing required to do so. Just when I thought it wouldnt get worse. Catagelophobia Fear of being ridiculed. Brontophobia Fear of thunder and lightning. Instead, hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is considered a. Pharmacophobia Fear of drugs. The mechanisms for a phobia are basically the same, regardless of subject matter. Hi! Even if I know the person loves me. The only way to really know for sure, is to go to get a diagnosis by seeing a professional in person. While you have conscious awareness of the process, you dont really know why it is occurring, meaning it is a subconscious process. I make this work, sometimes, but lately they are getting worse and i feel like I am sliding down a slippery slope that I cannot climb back up. Motorphobia- Fear of automobiles. Peanut butter oddly does not fall into my sticky category. If you are asking for a name to label this fear, there may be one, but I do not know it. You've stumbled upon the most flamboyant section of the gay pride parade. Is there a name for it, dont know. More importantly is what will you do if this is an issue for you. I have a phobia of dating, marriage, intimacy heartbteaks and childbirth and so many times i dont want to stop it. Such as when someone says Ill tell you later but you fear it wont occur, While this could be a phobia, it sounds as though you may have trust issues, either with a particular person or with yourself. If there is, I do not know about it, Everyone has that fear- the fear that a loved/respected one would leave- but if you do them you are a naturally suspicious person or if it is really bothering you- like always thinking why is s/he talking to me, are they going to leave? or acting really really annoyingly nice to make sure someone doesnt leave or something like that. Phasmophobia Fear of ghosts. Because the nervous system can associate fears to anything (real or made up) it would not be possible to have all fears, because many are unique to a very small group of people. What should I do? Is there a fear for things being thrown at you? Unfortunately for some people, vehicular transportation can be a terrifying experience to be avoided at all costs. Metathesiophobia Fear of changes. Ive looked everywhere but cant find it. Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author and educational consultant focused on helping students learn about psychology. As for the sneezing and burping, I would first ask, is it really fear or is it disgust or annoyance, because the latter would not be a phobia. Carpophobia fear of wrists Is there a word for the fear of people you care about being in danger and you not being able to do anything about it? Like when you break them, just the thought of it gives me boosebumps. Well you don't have to imagine it because it was all captured in the video: Alongside her BFF Jordan and her assistant Victoria, Kylie couldn't look more on edge and literally squirms from start to finish. You may choose a different approach on this, as it seems yours is really the fear of the unknown, specifically the unknown that could directly effect you. If this is just a minor bother, then you probably can live with it. I can be a fan of them behind a screen, but if I were to ever encounter one IRL, I would probably freak out and run away screaming. What about fear of statement that ends with sadness, being stressful and thinks that it will end up with worst? The fear of (direct) confrontation. I always think that my blender is going to explode or my lawn mower or my TV if it makes a funny noise even the vacuum. Phonophobia Fear of noises or voices or ones own voice; of telephones. Eurotophobia Fear of female genitalia. The awareness levels are much higher than your processing capability, then you can have issues Wonderful collection. Hope that helps. But once mixed with water and everything becomes abhorrent and cringing to my sensibilities. Altophobia Fear of heights. Phobias can have a serious impact on well-being, but it is important to remember that you are not alone. The memory of that nightmare comes rushing back, and I will just about panic if I cant make the sound stop. If this is problematic for you or it interferes with you ability to cope with daily life, see a professional. Its called mysophobia, myso meaning mud and phobia meaning fear. Low self esteem, the need to please others, the avoidance or fear of conflicts, guilt issues, etc. Acrophobia- Fear of heights. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Astraphobia or Astrapophobia Fear of thunder and lightning. While there may be names for these fears, I dont have the answer. Fear of road sweepers ?? . It may or may not be a phobia, as not all fears are phobias and not all discomforts fears. I cant find the name for the fear of being followed or stalked. Wiccaphobia: Fear of witches and witchcraft. I dont know what its called, but I definitely have is as a phobia. If they occur frequently or are getting worse, you may seriously think about seeing someone about these or working with someone on these issues. *)down one whole floor. I have had this fear since a child. Lockiophobia Fear of childbirth. like life is a simulation? May want to rethink that. I didnt saw this in the list, so Im asking you, guys. Without knowing more, my guess is you take an all or nothing approach to relationships. Frigophobia Fear of cold or cold things. Contreltophobia Fear of sexual abuse. Flags in general. Spheksophobia Fear of wasps. If i go shopping with my friends i have to walk behind them , so i can see them or i start panicking . Routing number of commercial bank of Ethiopia? If you are looking for a specific fear (fear of spiders, fear of animals, etc), go to the. Everything that looks like any type of net. Traumatophobia Fear of injury. Can there be any such fear, absolutely. Do not know what it is called though. Having a name for a fear will not make it go away. This is more likely to be OCD, obsessive compulsive behavior, which has a whole lot of other attributes connected to it. Also, while it may be comforting to find a name given to a situation you feel (this way you are not the only one), most working in the field of helping others, do not put too much meaning on the words, rather what causes this and how you can process this differently, FloorAPhobia is the fear of shopping for flooring, Glossophobia is the fear of public speaking, which is probably the closest phobia you will find related to what you are asking, Your email address will not be published. I presentto you the most well-known yet surprisingcelebrity phobias andfears that affectthe famous and the rich. Feeling intense fear and anxiety when thinking about, looking at or being in high places. Then one thing happened where I was getting ready for an online call and on my wall appeared a black stain. Arrhenphobia Fear of men. Someone with agoraphobia is afraid of being trapped in a public place or a place like a bridge or a line at the bank. Cancerophobia or Carcinophobia Fear of cancer. Does anyone know the name of the fear of cremated ashes blowing your way or getting on you? Don't panic Bey, there's millions of people who wouldn't mind keeping you company. (Bacillophobia) Homophobia Fear of homosexuality or of becoming homosexual. If she doesnt, there is little to say about it. It's not surprising the poor girl has a fear of falling. If our scientists can synthesize this phobia in the lab we've got a long list of names we'd like to infect with it. Luckily, I also have a sense of humor and enjoyed some of the wackier phobias in the list. Hamartophobia Fear of sinning. The real question is it a simple phobia, complex phobia, anxiety or something else. Bacon admitted that he even turned down an M & M commercial because his wife would never have approved! Chaetophobia Fear of hair. I dont know anyone who deals with this. Nicole Kidman suffers from this celebrity phobia and is believed to have been unable to walk through a museum room housing dead, horrifyingbutterflies. Ophidiophobia Fear of snakes. This may sound weird, but as of yesterday, Ive had a kind of pain in my eyes when thinking about bathtub faucets. Social Phobia Fear of being evaluated negatively in social situations. Photo: David Shankbone / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0. without further info, I could not tell you if this is a phobia or if you just have a really great imagination or if your spacial perception needs some assistance. I would think this would fall under intimacy issues, not a phobia. Does anyone have a fear of breaking bones and how is it called? Your nervous system (mind, emotions) can potentially link a fear to any idea or subject matter, so to answer your question, yes. I have to have the tags cut off everything. If it persists, find a counselor. Methyphobia Fear of alcohol. Maybe someone else know this. More than likely they will just label it as fear of commitment. I dont like when my hands get wet. Not all fears are phobias, some are anxieties or even obsessions. And sure, their distorted features inspire images of demonic possession and evil incarnate. Though the clown thing would really be just one of several thousand better reasons why this paring should never happen. Could be Paranoia, could be lack of self trust. much appreciated, Noah, Noah, if this is a one time event, regardless of how real it was for you, then it could come from numerous reasons and hopefully it will just be something that happened. Is this a separate phobia or just an extension of the predetermined? Kosmikophobia Fear of cosmic phenomenon. Meteorophobia- Fear of meteors. Is their any phobia involving holding onto things you did wrong??? Is there a name to this condition? Hi, i have a fear of going somewhere to ask, or fear of asking people in person. The mind / nervous system can have a fear of anything, so yes, this can be a thing. Symbolophobia Fear of symbolism. I also have a fear of being happy. The names of specific phobias are often formed as nonce words, or words coined for a single occasion only. There are many reason for this and the best advice is to work with someone who can help you get to the root structure or issues keeping this problem alive for you. Linn, not certain if there is a name for this fear, but clearly you may want to see someone to help you resolve this, especially if it has been going on for a while or if it is getting worse. Those were the only cracks that actually made me uncomfortable. Just something to keep in mind. I don`t even remember anything of my childhood.. Scoleciphobia Fear of worms. Also it there a fear of not using correct punctuation or spelling? Sociophobia Fear of society or people in general. The mind can associate fear to any subject matter. i believe i have it because my mom is really sweet and talks in a sweet voice and when i see women exactly her opposite it just scares me to death. Look up the Greek or Latin word (or words) for your phobia and you are half way there. Famous Chromophobes: Many people label anything they fear as a phobia and unfortunately this is not always correct, especially with the fear of germs. Phobias are listed on this page alphabetically by their medical or scientific label. Its quite common; Id say normal and usual. I am certain other elements are part of the situation for you. Athazagoraphobia is the fear of being forgotten or ignored, or the fear of forgetting. Ephebiphobia Fear of teenagers. 2013;27(4):379-88. doi:10.1016/j.janxdis.2013.04.007, Heeren A, Ceschi G, Valentiner DP, Dethier V, Philippot P.Assessing public speaking fear with the short form of the Personal Report of Confidence as a Speaker scale: confirmatory factor analyses among a French-speaking community sample. Add the idea of being a "celebrity" into the mix, and you end up with some genuine insanity. Worst Case Scenario: I think it has been worse since the dream came true. I will lay awake for hours & barely move a muscle out of fear of a shadow in a corner . The fear of uncertainty or unknown can have numerous reasons for existing. It is usually experienced by people who have had issues with the subject, like some people scared of rivers most likely have seen or heard about people drowning. Do u know if there is a name for this phobia? I get so terrified that someone will leave me. Myrmecophobia Fear of ants. A review and meta-analysis of the heritability of specific phobia subtypes and corresponding fears. Is there a fear of someones feelings for you changing? If you are feeling uncomfortable to the point it is interfering with your day to day activities, then you have a problem, regardless of what it is called. So, I think I have cacophobia. Could be how you process your emotions, traumatic events, low self esteem, not believing you are good enough, your perceived level of proficiency, how you feel you fit into the world, your expectations, etc. It a white wall but it looked like something was protruding out and now my brain feels tense. One way of looking at this it a person who is feeling superior, judgmental or not being accepting of others. Is there a name for a fear of bones/ bones breaking? I have been searching for it and I cannot find it. Go on, it'll totes impress your friends. It is very uncomfortable. Get the best of Cracked sent directly to your inbox! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Some people with acrophobia fear significant heights such as a tall bridge while others also fear shorter heights such as being on a ladder. Hi, I have an obvious fear of being touched, which youve named numerous times throughout the list. Achluophobia Fear of darkness. Find someone in your area who can help you, or if that is problematic, feel free to call Designed Thinking at 866-718-9995, i got OCD with stupid tnghis, like not being able to drink from a cup and other stupid stuff like that. Phallophobia Fear of a penis, esp erect. Madonna is supposedly very scared of thunderstorms. While this may have something to do with bathtubs, it may also be a fear of being harmed transferred to the idea of bathtubs being harmful. It is obviously an issue for you so it is worth taking the time to figure it out and get it resolved. People think I am kidding when I tell them, but it is 100% a real fear. So, youre saying that Agoraphobia is an irrational fear that NO trauma might trigger such fear??? I feel like when a door is open someone is around the corner watching me, when its closed their looking under the door or listening to me. Download 'B.O.T.A. Find someone qualified in your area to work with. Spiders, flying, small spaces - it's all common things to have a phobia off and we are not alone. I dont really know what happened but as long as I can have that nightmare Im always afraid for the possibilities that might one day it could be forever. I got this fear from watching Luther on Netflix aha. There could be a big difference between fear and irritation. If there isnt a name for it there should be because it exists and should be recognized as more than just a form of OCD, because it seems as if they dont just need to lock it for the sake of locking it, but rather are afraid of who or what could come through that door or what could happen if left open. I am a female. The only nightmare in my life where I woke up screaming. Though in all fairness to Nicole, we don't know if this psychosis predates exposure to Cruise or not. In fact, Taylor has a list of fears! She thinks if she doesnt do so then something bad will happen. The alternative to working with someone is to keep having the dreams and that doesnt sound very pleasant, What is the phobia of large empty rooms? This may just be a one time situation. what is it called? Can you even imagine a celebrity phobia related to public speaking? Logizomechanophobia Fear of computers. Ergasiophobia 1) Fear of work or functioning. Eleutherophobia Fear of freedom. I have to wash my hands a lot because of it and change my clothes even if I cant see the food on me. It tends to only be wet grass though I have tried searching for it but i can only find fear of grass. what is the phobia of being gay and married to a FAGGOT!! Current issues in the treatment of specific phobia: Recommendations for innovative applications of hypnosis. Some of these fears are not shared by others and most people will not have the fear you are experiencing. Is there a phobia for this? You want to look at whats the issue at hand and how it much it effects you and is it truly a phobia. Androphobia Fear of men. Phobias are common and treatable. Basically if theres something and it makes noise im scared its going to explode, Can you have the fear, yes. Arithmophobia Fear of numbers. Including the under water sea urchins known for their glass sharp spikes, earwigs, cynics, Googling herself and getting arrested. Philemaphobia or Philematophobia Fear of kissing. I have a pathological fear of celebrities. Verbophobia- Fear of words. As if your actions are not of your own doing and are done by malicious forces, That may not be a phobia. Opiophobia Fear medical doctors prescribing pain medications for patients. Kauna unahang parabula na inilimbag sa bhutan. Chiraptophobia Fear of being touched. If I try to talk or even open my mouth to speak Ill start crying, I cant help it. I. One of the challenges of naming something is the labels are too often incorrect. Is there a fear of everyone leaving and forgetting about you? The therapist does not need a label for this unless they are doing paper work for insurance companies. I cant even throw my dog a bone, and of course forget about me trying to throw my kids a ball. Katsaridaphobia Fear of cockroaches. I really worry about forgetting these things but I do remember everything that I pay attention like my work etc.. Is this some kind oh phobia ? That reality keeps me very emotional so I deal with that by greatly diminishing contact with those still alive.