Diane then later tells Mr. Peanutbutter that she got the job. Wanda green lights the show, Hollywoo Stars and Celebrities: What Do They Know? In fact, it's because of Mr. Peanutbutter's compulsively supportive habits (and questionable intelligence) that BoJack is able to snag his dream role as Secretariat. Diane gained massive backlash over bringing up these details, despite the fact they had been public for years, as Hank is beloved and as a result, no one wants to believe he is capable of doing bad things. When Princess Carolyn questions Mr. Peanutbutter about his reputation, he says that hes not worried about it as he believes that people generally want to like him, and the universe will align in his favor. She runs off crying. He proposes to her in the season finale to avoid admitting he cheated on her by sleeping with Diane. The following morning, Mr. Peanutbutter visits BoJack at the rehab center, much to BoJacks chagrin. Pickles tells him she slept with a bunch of guys to get even, but none of them were like him and wishes for some sort of possibility to cheat on him with him. After Princess Carolyn tells him Mr. Peanutbutter perks his ears up when he says the correct answer, he begins to win. Mr. Peanutbutter then questions this. This causes major changes to the script and film and begins to downplay BoJack's screen time and involvement. Wayne tells her she and Mr. Peanutbutter arent right for each other, using the "Zo and Zelda" comparison. In BoJack Kills Diane heads outside for a smoke break before they leave. Flip tells him he's never been to his houseit's supposed to represent how John Philbert feels: spare and lonely. In the same season, he plays Fritz on Philbert, and he begins dating a young female pug named Pickles Aplenty. In Intermediate Scene Study w/ BoJack Horseman, at Mr. Peanutbutter's house, Mr. Peanutbutter is explaining to Pickles and Joey Pogo his plan for getting even with Pickles so that Mr. Peanutbutter and Pickles can get married. After the play, Pickles livestreams her reaction saying that the play had so many dysfunctional relationships, and Mr. Peanutbutter noticeably gets nervous when Pickles says that shes glad that they dont have a relationship like that. Meanwhile, Todd calls Mr. Peanutbutter again and tells him that his idea to start including male customers was a success, loving the safe spaces for women more than the women themselves. Mr. Peanutbutter asks for credit for the surprise party, in which Diane says she didn't want it. He tells them he'd be delighted to answer questions about his good friend BoJack. Mr. Peanutbutter instead encourages her to go talk to BoJack, who just got a phone call from his mother, and is asking if it could wait. A year later, BoJack is seen directing a prison production of Hedda Gabler with his inmates. Mr. Peanutbutter tells Max that BoJack sold the restaurant to him and Joey Pogo. On set, Sassy tries to fight off Philbert, but he pins her down and begins violently strangling her. Mr. Peanutbutter tells Diane anytime he went to a Halloween party with one of his wives they would get in a huge argument, so he's glad she's so fun and easygoing and loves parties. Diane then apologizes saying that was a weird thing to tell her ex-husband. Much to Flea Daniels' annoyance, Mr. Peanutbutter is saying that his face does not look like the face of a trustworthy birthday dad, but instead his face looks like the face of someone who did something terrible, i.e cheat on his girlfriend with his ex-wife a few times, but instead of confessing he proposes to her and now theyre engaged. Mr. Peanutbutter and Diane split up. However, he does leave her alone multiple times to talk to and party with the other guests, with Katrina becoming more upset and angry throughout the night. Spurred on by Margo Martindale at the courthouse to tell Diane his feelings for her, BoJack rushes to the wedding, only to be stopped by an angry Todd telling him to stop intruding in other people's lives. SUB, which devastated him. When Diane and her husband, Mr. Peanutbutter (Paul F. Tompkins), are taken through the mandatory pre-abortion requirements at "Planned Parrothood," the doctor ruthlessly informs them: "By . Diane says she probably lost her wallet. The whole "i understand and appreciate you" thing, where they try to fix their marriage, has already been used. In Sunk Cost and All That, Mr. Peanutbutter who is with Max and Paige at Elifino. BoJack tells her he's on the phone, and Diane timidly apologizes and walks away. At the party, Mr. Peanutbutter learns that Jessica auditioned for a role in The Mummy with Brendan Fraser and didn't get the part. He angrily tells Mr. Peanutbutter to get a job. He tells her they'll talk about this when she comes home. Following, she grabs her keys and heads out to aid them. BoJack, pretending to be the coin sorter, tells Mr. Peanutbutter to go to Pickles. Later, at the Oscars Mr. Peanutbutter and Todd accidentally drop the phone after it rings, making them leave the area to find it. She takes a selfie with Mr. Peanutbutter and happily exclaims that she never wants to grow up. BoJack doesn't have a costume so asks Princess Carolyn for help. Diane tries to bring it up again but Pickles returns to take their order, starting another conversation with Mr. Peanutbutter, making Diane jealous. Mr. Peanutbutter and Katrina divorced shortly afterward, with Katrina eventually getting a high-ranking job in the California government. This starts an argument where Mr. Peanutbutter says that at least no one in his family has anger issues, saying that Pickles father Franco is "a hothead with a little pug complex," and that her mother more than likely provokes him on purpose, suggesting that they get off on it. Mr. Peanutbutter assures her he'll never leave her alone again, but Katrina storms off saying she wants to be alone now and tells him to have fun with his hippie liberal friends. After trying and failing to make it work, Diane confessed she was no longer happy and the two ended up getting divorced in season 5. Princess Carolyn, at first, assumes he needs a body buried; which initially shocks Mr. Peanutbutter. Instead, he gets cheered, for keeping them informed. She runs into BoJack, and the two are tense around each other now due to the submarine scene Diane wrote for BoJack in the previous episode. She asks Mr. Peanutbutter if that makes sense and he says it does. BoJack realizes that all his suspects: Flip, Princess Carolyn, Diane, and Mr. Peanutbutter, revolve around the showdeveloping the conspiracy theory the whole show was created to reveal his secrets. BoJack comments he's brought so many ex-wives and girlfriends over the years it's hard to keep track, a comment Pickles doesn't seem to appreciate. Todd celebrates his legal victory with a party at BoJack's house. The two layouts on the pool, as it is filled with green Jell-O. Katrina is excited to go to a real Hollywood party with him, but she makes him promise he won't leave her alone. As the two approach it, BoJack says with a smile "Well looks like you finally got your crossover episode," to Mr. Peanutbutter's utter excitement. He's dressed as the guy from the first, at the time only, Hangover movie, and Diane is "Baby Bjorn Borg (a cyborg, tennis player Bjrn Borg, and the Baby Bjorn from The Hangover). Sassy wakes up, and Philbert tells her the pieces are starting to fit together. Noticing that Mr. Peanutbutter is upset, Pickles vows to go home and watch the entire season of the show, even if it kills her because she really hates it. BoJack brings this up but denies to Diane he wants to talk about it. The two got in a huge argument on whether Tony Curtis was dead, as BoJack's girlfriend Wanda had asked, thus ending the party early after Diane freaked out as she angrily insisted he's dead. Everyone gets up and hugs him, to BoJack's annoyance. After signing off, Pickles asks Mr. Peanutbutter whats going on, saying that hes been acting differently. Princess Carolyn tells him that he isn't tough enough for the role. Meanwhile, Diane is offered by celebrity Sebastian St. Clair to come to war-torn Cordovia with him to write a memoir for him similar to what she did for BoJack. Mr. Peanutbutter later calls Diane, who is in Ojai with BoJack, very early in the morning. He quickly apologizes and tells her he has to go for a walk. Mr. Peanutbutter tells her she should, so that she can feel good about herself and because some space may be good for them at the moment. Mr. Peanutbutter naively believes Todd is actually there to apply to be his personal driver and hires Todd after an impromptu interview. However, he is not as dumb as he might be letting on, as stupidity is part of his persona and a result of his naivety, and he can at times show hidden depth. Mr. Peanutbutter is on BoJack's couch talking to two actors from Glee, asking why they also sing when they're not in the glee club. Diane says he either needs to date older woman or grow up himself, or his girlfriends will keep outgrowing him. BoJack gets angry at his mockery and tells him Diane went to Cordovia to get away from her failing marriage. Mr. Peanutbutter guesses time flies when you're having fun. He is one of the main characters in BoJack Horseman. Diane later returns home from the party tripping on a drug called Gush. He has one brother, Captain Peanutbutter, who is five minutes older. One reason the show has gained such a large, loyal following is because of how raw and relatable BoJack and his associates are. Let us know down in the comment section! Mr. Peanutbutter then excused himself as Katrina had her hand down a busboy's pants. He then asks how Princess Carolyn manages being alone and she tells him she just takes it one day at a time. Princess Carolyn tells BoJack that she'll be back tomorrow and that she's just taking care of some family stuff. Diane says she's good in small groups and shouts that she hates parties, which interrupts the party. Diane angrily tells him he didn't trust that she knew something, and he says he just wanted to double-check anyway. Mr. Peanutbutter tells him that if their women don't feel safe in that space, then they need to find new women. Mr. Peanutbutter then remarks Diane is indeed a true Chicagoan. Mr. Peanutbutter tells Paige and Max the story about his and Pickles plan to be even with each other due to his infidelity and Max tells him Pickles and Joey are in love. The two hit it off when they meet at a party arranged by Todd, BoJack, in particular, seems to be attracted to Diane, although to his envy and disgust, as he throws up after discovering this, she is dating Mr. Peanutbutter. Besides his love for tennis balls, he hates the game tennis because he gets angry at how nobody ever catches the ball. Mr. Peanutbutter goes back to Katrina, telling her he got distracted by some guys with an Ouija board. Mr. Peanutbutter reassures him he will be with him unless he spots his old friend Erica and notices some notable characteristic about her personality, he then questions what the odds of that happening are, making this his final appearance in the series. Let's Find Out!," leaving Mr. Peanutbutter out of a job. Mr. Peanutbutter, with Katrina, attended the 1994 Animal Choice Awards, as he and BoJack were nominated for Male Animal In A Comedy Drama Or Variety Show, although they both lost to veteran talk show host Hank Hippopopalous, Mr. Peanutbutter's childhood idol. Mr. Peanutbutter tells her other than being away from her he is having the time of his life being depressed. This angers Mr. Peanutbutter and he interrupts the show to have BoJack sit across from him as he confronts him about kissing Diane. At the end of Yes And, she tells Mr. Peanutbutter that it's too hard to talk to him on the phone all the time, and they shouldn't call each other for a while because she misses him too much. They drive up to Griffith Park Observatory and BoJack questions if this is where the wedding is happening. She asks if they can plan the wedding when she comes back and he sadly tells her sure they can as it sounds like a good compromise. and pulling BoJack off of her with two other crew members when everyone else either did nothing or filmed the incident. BoJack asks if Mr. Peanutbutter is seeing anyone to which Mr. Peanutbutter replies he's busy with his show and wants to focus on himself right now. Mr. Peanutbutter's demeanor is constantly energetic, nice, cheerful, kind, and playful. BoJack is still on the phone with his mom. They arrive at BoJack's house. He tells her to not turn around, but she ends up seeing the mummy and is horrified. When Diane returns home later that night, Mr. Peanutbutter talks to Diane to apologize for his grand gestures and explains how much he loves her despite having different personalities. After Mr. Peanutbutter walks away BoJack once again pulls out Hollyhock's unopened letter from his jacket, looks at it, and his hands shake. She continued to be cruel and cold towards Mr. Peanutbutter for the remainder of their marriage. Diane walks up to him and asks what happened. In his drug-induced hallucination BoJack walks through the set when he's once again transported to the empty set and golden staircase he saw earlier. Diane says she wants to go to the Labrador Peninsula to spend New Years with his family, much to Mr. Peanutbutter's excitement. As he approaches Mr. Peanutbutter and Princess Carolyn, Princess Carolyn pushes Mr. Peanutbutter in front of Joeys car, and Mr. Peanutbutter is left slightly puzzled when he doesnt get hit by Joeys slow-moving car. Mr. Peanutbutter arrives to confirm his suspicions of BoJack having feelings for Diane by stealing the 'D,' but offers to help BoJack return the 'D' secretly under the condition BoJack stops pursuing Diane romantically. Mr. Peanutbutter confesses to Joey he isnt really depressed. Todd heads to Whale World to find said women. Mr. Peanutbutter proposes a scenario in which Dougs fianc, whom he calls Pickles," doesnt know that he cheated and shes happy not knowing, asking if confessing would just cause additional pain, to which the other people in the room agree with him. Pickles says she loves his music but not him as a person. Mr. Peanutbutter tells her not to beat herself over it, she just met the guy. BoJack asks if they can take this part of the conversation elsewhere. Diane says that she was a rebound, but Mr. Peanutbutter loved her unconditionally for ten years. When Mr. Peanutbutter is told she had to endear that for half an hour, he cheerfully says "I guess time flies when youre having fun!," which finally makes Katrina snap and she angrily shouts "I am not having fun!" Mr. Peanutbutter in the meanwhile gets his driver's license suspended for chasing after mailmen. Joey then reveals himself to be hanging by a clothes hanger inside the hotel room closet, giving Mr. Peanutbutter an idea. At the same time, she is contacted by the producers of the Secretariat film to be a character consultant, and she is stuck with choosing between the two options. Flea Daniels subsequently pulls the plug on Birthday Dad, much to Mr. Peanutbutter's dismay, and tells him to go home. Although he doesnt completely understand whats going on, he agrees to have sex with Pickles. Mr. Peanutbutter accepts, but Pickles decides to still go with him to the desertjust not as a date. Diane says that she isn't ruined, and he says that his problem is that he doesn't listen. As he talks to Princess Carolyn, a boom operator flips Mr. Peanutbutter the bird, as he walks past him, and Donna throws a scarf at Mr. Peanutbutters face. Mr. Peanutbutter says okay, but she has to come, and she agrees to come if he has the divorce papers. They hear a knock on the door, and Mr. Peanutbutter goes to answer, hoping it's pizza. Mr. Peanutbutter married actress Jessica Biel sometime before 2004. Diane and BoJack have always had a special, if also complicated, relationship, and with Diane's relationship with Mr. Peanutbutter perpetually on the fritz, season 4 might be the time they. Season 3 shows that Mr. Peanutbutter and Diane's marriage has become strained due to Diane not immediately coming home after leaving Cordovia, and as such they make constant phone calls with them assuring each other they understand their feelings and Diane assuring him her location and when she'll be home, as he now gets worried when he doesn't know where she is. In 2018, Mr. Peanutbutter and his girlfriend, Pickles, are getting ready for BoJack's twenty-fifth Halloween party. He also doesn't like baths and gets scared when there are strangers in his yard. Princess Carolyn gets ready to drive over, to help them, while telling them not to enter the house. A security guard comes and allows him to leave for the weekend to attend Princess Carolyn and Judah's wedding. Back in the car, BoJack asks if Mr. Peanutbutter thinks Diane is going to be there to which Mr. Peanutbutter replies that everyone will be there seeing that it's the party of the year. In Mr. Peanutbutter's Boos, he thinks this is why all his relationships fail and why his exes went from fun and happy to bitter and meanbut Diane tells him it's because he dates young women, and they just grow up while he continues to act like a "man-child" who places all the responsibilities, including himself, on them, which tires them and leads them to end their relationship with him. Pickles goes on to say that she can tell that Mr. Peanutbutter feels guilty. They awkwardly shake hands before she gets out of the car. Mr. Peanutbutter did so mostly out of vanity, even though he actually liked Woodchuck's policies, but eventually dropped out and endorsed Woodchuck. In Nice While It Lasted, BoJack is sentenced to Super-Max Prison for fourteen months. Later, Princess Carolyn gets another phone call from Mr. Peanutbutter. BoJack is then told he needs to move his head away from the camera by the director. Pickles asks, "sexy?" Mr. Peanutbutter reassures him he won't screw it up. Peanutbutter took her fantasy and put structure to it, structure that Diane didn't need or want or influence. However, after the two take their bath, Mr. Peanutbutter becomes irritated by the tomato sauce in his fur and tries to resist shaking off. Mr. Peanutbutter and Diane arrive at her apartment. He tosses her the keys and tells her to take it for a spin. Ralph, who is very wealthy as he is a Stilton, sets up an interview for Diane with his younger sister, Stefani Stilton, for her feminist blog website Girl Croosh. BoJack's rude dismissal of Diane unwittingly triggered a long term realization within Diane about her relationship with Mr. Peanutbutter. Mr. Peanutbutter goes to the movies and sees Secretariat, but turns off his phone, making him unreachable for the next two hours. Todd takes Mr. Peanutbutter to the baddest bar in Hollywoo, where the paparazzi birds are waiting outside. However, he specifies BoJack should bring it up only if the interview is going well. Mr. Peanutbutter thinks he knows about something between him and Diane, but BoJack doesn't. Mr. Peanutbutter reveals that he and Todd are already inside the house. Diane says she isn't happy and that helping people and making a difference with Sebastian St. Clair could give her a reason to get out of bed. However, Mr. Peanutbutter doesn't actually know how to ski, so Katrina sends him to ski school. He goes on to say that the people who dislike him the most are young women, much to Princess Carolyns dismay who says that young women are part of their main target demographic for Birthday Dad and she tells him that they need to juice [his] Q." Mr. Peanutbutter says she didn't, and that he loves her and wants to know the real her. She says she doesn't want to be in a routine as an old couple. In Surprise!, after he takes advice from Diane, who was pretending to be his houses thermostat, Mr. Peanutbutter makes more of an effort to talk less and listen more while trying to reconcile with Pickles. It had nothing to do with the room itself. Todd reluctantly agrees. He approaches Jessica Biel while Mr. Peanutbutter watches in dismay. She tells him they should leave, but BoJack is frustrated because he thinks she's acting weird since she hates parties. Mr. Peanutbutter then asks her if she likes Chicago and considers herself a Chicagoan. He has yellow fur, a brown nose, a slim and muscular build. Paige asks why would Pickles fall for a dashing young Joey when she has sweet, dependable, and boring Mr. Peanutbutter. In Head in the Clouds, Mr. Peanutbutter and Pickles arrive at the premiere of Philbert. Mr. Peanutbutter returns with two different types of boba, one with whip cream and one without after Pickles gets out of the bath. BoJack, annoyed, questions what they're doing here. The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. He tells BoJack that when his mom got old they sent her to a farm. Outside, Mr. Peanutbutter runs into Princess Carolyn and Judah and tells them sadly he is giving away Pickles' favorite alcoholic energy drink seeing that he doesn't need it anymore, as Pickles no longer lives with him. In The Shot, as he agrees to play Nixon's dog Checkers. Mr. Peanutbutter and Pickles make out while the space station explodes up above. Captain Peanutbutter, not long before his surgery, talks him into doing it despite his melancholy; saying he'll call him later. Mr. Peanutbutter and Diane travel to his hometown on the Labrador Peninsula in Old Acquaintance to celebrate New Years with his older brother, Captain Peanutbutter, who picks them up from the airport. It was also shortly before BoJack went to rehab. Bojack gets psyched and sees this as an opportunity to chase Diane. This is the same place his other relatives also went when they got old, including his father later on. BoJack says he's aware. BoJack tries to give her a compliment, but Diane's response is taken the wrong way. Mr. Peanutbutter goes into the bar. She wonders why Mr. Peanutbutter does things for her because she's such a disaster, but Mr. Peanutbutter says she's just Diane and that he'd do anything for her. Mr. Peanutbutter asks if she wants to leave, but she says no, insisting she's fun. Mr. Peanutbutter then says he went to college in Chicago and Diane tells him Northwestern is not in Chicago. Both have key moments with BoJack Mr. Peanutbutter picks him up from prison, and Todd watches the fireworks stop his shoulders on the beach. Diane is afraid of not finding happiness and thought it might be best to get those fleeting moments of joy that Mr. Peanutbutter can offer. Mr. Peanutbutter assures her that she should drop it because if something was wrong his brother would tell him. Joey then apologizes for being awful to Pickles earlier and says since Mr. Peanutbutter has been such a good friend it would be weird having sex with his fiance but once they were in it it felt like "two naked hearts raw and exposed but safe in the home they found in each other." BoJack leaves after telling her that her new haircut looks great and Mr. Peanutbutter will love it. Flip leaves before BoJack can talk to him, but he says they can talk tomorrow. After abandoning their first idea of a Halloween store during January, Mr. Peanutbutter throws a large launch party for "Smoodies" (a mood you can drink) at his house without an actual product behind the idea. Mr. Peanutbutter apologizes to Pickles, telling her that he wants her to know everything about him, but he likes her and that every time he sees her he likes her a little bit more. However, this role was almost jeopardized in Hank After Dark when Diane, while on a book tour with BoJack promoting the paperback version of BoJack's book, brought up dark allegations made towards veteran MBN talk show host Hank Hippopopalous from eight of his former assistants. Diane says she's good in small groups and shouts that she hates parties, which interrupts the party. Diane felt pressured to act like she loved parties and socializing and to live up to his "fun" ex-wives, insisting to Mr. Peanutbutter she was having fun when he asked if she was OK. Mr. Peanutbutter tells Pickles that that's just Diane and that she's no fun. He is always trying to reach out to BoJack and be his friend. Princess Carolyn freaks out upon seeing that Todd and Mr. Peanutbutter have started a fire outside. They shake hands but before she leaves Mr. Peanutbutter tells her about how he's seeing someone romantically. Princess Carolyn shows up at Mr. Peanutbutter's house, to find it smelling of skunk and marijuana, courtesy of Todd smoking a joint. Mr. Peanutbutter then tells BoJack he's playing Julius Caesar on the stage next door for a short film. Mr. Peanutbutter was also originally going to be a Golden Retriever. BoJack then asks why the set looks like his house. Just then, Todd walks in with Ruthie and asks BoJack if he is ready for his interview. They run past BoJack, who is at the Cinnabunny. In That Went Well, Esteemed Character Actress and Fugitive From The Law Margo Martindale crashes her boat, which she stole from BoJack in Stop the Presses to escape the law, into a cargo ship carrying a large shipment of spaghetti for Sandro's new restaurant. Mr. Peanutbutter tells the driver to change the station but tells her to go back to the podcast when he alternative announces they'll be playing a new song from Twenty One Pilots. Upon learning of this, BoJack decides to hire Character Actress Margo Martindale to stage a bank robbery to steal Diane's engagement ring when she and Mr. Peanutbutter are set to go to the bank, hoping to cause a rift between them by taking away a symbol of their relationship. Pickles is excited to go to her first fancy Hollywoo party. Gina begins to storm out, and tells BoJack to stay away from her, and get help, or not, because she doesn't care anymore. Princess Carolyn thinks for a moment as Mr. Peanutbutter's lawn is destroyed by the fire, and she comes up with the false story that Mr. Peanutbutter got rid of the lawn and replaced it with drought-resistant landscaping. Diane realizes he doesn't want her to go to Cordovia. Diane invites Mr. Peanutbutter to come into her apartment. In The Face of Depression, BoJack is seen at the airport looking at the flight listings and walks past the bar where Joey Pogo is sitting with Mr. Peanutbutter. If theyre really trying to level the playing field, then Pickles having sex with Carl doesnt count. Max says sure he puts on a good front and puts up a good fight but if Pickles were to confess her love it would drop his heart down an elevator shaft and bring it back up to his throat. Diane suggests that he have a housewarming party. BoJack says he understands what it's like to have guilt bottled up inside you, and not burden other people with it. Before leaving, Jessica asked Mr. Peanutbutter to not let her see any mummies, as she had a traumatic past experience relating to them. Todd bypasses the lawsuit because Walt Disney accidentally wrote down the wrong name for the trademark, "Diisneyland." Director Amy Winfrey Writers Raphael Bob-Waksberg Joanna Calo Stars Will Arnett (voice) Amy Sedaris (voice) Alison Brie (voice) See production, box office & company info Watch on Netflix Katrina stands alone on BoJack's deck. They attended BoJack's Halloween Party in 2004, where Jessica wanted them to dress like the lead characters from the movie The Notebook, but Mr. Peanutbutter ends up dressing as an actual notebook. In another flashback, BoJack shows up at Diane's apartment to pick her up for Mr. Peanutbutter's housewarming party and finds her with a new haircut and outfit. The two are still friendly with one another, but when they arrive back to her apartment Mr. Peanutbutter gives Diane the signed divorce papers. He tries to get to her before she can see BoJack but fails. They initially met in the 2007 flashback episode, I assume they began a relationship just after that considering the moment in season 5 when Diane is talking to Pickles about how PB loves with his whole heart she explicitly mentions him loving her that way for over a decade, so from 2007-2018. Pickles tells him she is so confused. Princess Carolyn prepares to calls a cleaning service, while Todd and Mr. Peanutbutter take care of their foul-smelling clothes. She says it was under the bed, in the master suite a year ago, at Mr. Peanutbutter's housewarming party. A drunk BoJack tells everyone to make this party an annual thing, and he wants to see everyone back here next year. When she walks away, he swallows a couple of his painkillers for his back and says this party sucks.